Раскрытие моих инвестиций, которые принесли огромную прибыль 🤯 | Али Соланки
Раскрытие моих инвестиций, которые принесли огромную прибыль 🤯 | Али Соланки
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Discover the secrets to building a successful investment portfolio with this video. Learn about the investments that have made him rich and how you can apply the same strategies to your own portfolio. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this video will provide valuable insights and actionable tips for achieving financial success through smart investments. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from a proven investor and take control of your financial future.
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🍉 The Watermelon Gang: https://thewatermelongang.com/
00:00 Introduction
00:47 Mutual Funds
3:19 Stocks
4:20 Gold
5:00 Cryptos
🍉 Basics of Crypto and Blockchain Course: https://courses.alisolanki.com/s/store/courses/description/Basics-of-Crypto-and-Blockchain
Discord community for all students: https://discord.gg/MAgUqf7vFk
Telegram community for all the students: https://t.me/studentsamaj
Follow Me:
All my links: https://alisolanki.com
🚀 Building a Crypto Venture Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwXSCBuwy1Qt92DyIcV7Da_vCseAOj9gJ
🚀 All my YouTube Shorts: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwXSCBuwy1Qst2GoC5sIMJ5XXhiokENp1
🍓 How to create a Cryptocurrency in 5 simple steps: https://youtu.be/U-zaRyxTOxo
🍓 How to create and sell NFTs in 3 simple steps: https://youtu.be/tozB8wRglno
🍓 Blockchain Developer Roadmap: https://youtu.be/XM6-QT7VMKw
All the things I use in my videos🦄:
💡 Ring Light: https://amzn.to/3IgLFsA
🌈 RGB Background Light: https://amzn.to/3tLpSoP
🔮 Moon Night Lamp: https://amzn.to/3qHXzpj
📷 Camera: Iphone 11 back cam: https://amzn.to/3fCsbm3
🎙 Mic: Boya MM1: https://amzn.to/3qFH7WO
🧍 9ft Stand (for ring light): https://amzn.to/3FCIPfK
🦍 Gorilla Tripod: https://amzn.to/33RTohW
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#alisolanki #stockmarket o #portfolio #investment #crypto
All the videos on this channel are for educational purposes only and I'm not a financial advisor.
For collaborations mail me at: [email protected]
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